Sunday, December 13, 2015

Week 16

Here are some highlights from the week...

Our geologists learned about sedimentary rocks this week and had the chance to explore river rocks. We had a river rock mixture that the students sifted and sorted into 4 different kids of rocks (large pebbles, small pebbles, gravel and sand). We used different sized screens to sort the rocks and the geologists made predictions and observations about what rocks could go through which screens!

We added an accuracy strategy to our CAFE menu with our inflected -ed ending sound of the week. The first graders know how to "Crack the -ed Code." There are actually 3 different ways to read "ed" at the end of a word.

If a word ends with a t or d, it makes the "id" sound.
If a word ends with a voiceless sound (your vocal chords don't vibrate), it makes the "t" sound.
If a word ends with a voice sound (your vocal chords vibrate), it makes the "d" sound.

Go "ed" Code Crackers!

With Hanukkah starting last week, we read some Hanukkah stories and we were lucky enough to end the week with a special Hanukkah presentation! We had 3rd graders Adin Joseph (Elise's brother) and Annika come to Room 112 and teach us some festive songs and how to play dreidel!


12/16 -- Late arrival @ 10 am & Hat Day

12/18 -- Cozy Cocoa Read-In @ 8:45 - 9:45 am
*If you are interested in volunteering, please let me know!

12/18 -- Auction Art Project @ 12:00 - 2:00 pm
*A HUGE thank you to Shannon Crain  (Reid C's mom) and Joanna Lezak (Elise's mom) for making this happen!

12/21- 1/3 -- Winter Break!

1/4 -- School Resumes!

Photos from the week...

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Week 15

It was a busy week in Room 112...

In writer's workshop we are continuing to build our writing skills in our Small Moment (narrative)  unit. We have discussed telling our reader not just the outside story (what happened, who was there, where it took place), but also the inside story (how you felt, what you thought, what you wondered). As we work on stretching out our small moments we want to make sure we aren't writing "and the" stories (I went to the park and then I went home and then I ate dinner, etc). To help with our transition words we focused on when words (first, next, after, finally, etc.) I am very proud of all the Room 112 authors!

For the contraction sounds of the week we did a little surgery to different words to make them into one word with an apostrophe band aid. The first grade surgeons did a great job identifying and forming contractions!

Also, we have started our 12 days of kindness, which coincides with the 12 days before winter break! We will be adding to our song each day (to the tune of the 12 days of Christmas) and practicing both the song and acts of kindness throughout the next two weeks :)


*Rock sharing: Every Friday during the month of December, the first graders can bring in rocks or rock books to share in our "Rock Museum." The "Rock Museum" will be open at the very beginning of the day and very end of the day. Please bring items in labeled bags.

*Snack: Please remember to send your first grader to school with a snack if you want them to have a snack during morning recess. The first graders have been depleting our stash of emergency snacks. 

    • Auction project: $10 -Checks can be made out to Stephenson Elementary
    • Class funds: $15 - Checks can be made out to Stephenson Elementary

Here are some photos from the week...