Sunday, February 28, 2016

Week 25

Here are some highlights from the week...

The first graders have been working very hard on their letter writing skills! We have practiced writing thank you notes and friendly letters, and this week the students wrote letters to their pen pals! My roommate is a first grade teacher at Bridger School and they are also working on the letter writing unit. We thought this would be a great opportunity to have our students practice their letter writing while also getting to know other first graders at a different school! The first graders in Room 112 wrote their letters and we are eagerly waiting for the replies :)

We added the first President of the United States, George Washington, to our biography journals. During national dental health month the students were shocked to hear about his poor dental health and his set of "teeth." :)

Thank you so much to the parents that came to help out with Art Literacy! It is such an amazing program and I really appreciate the volunteers that help to make it successful. The kiddos got to create fiber art that will soon be part of an art instillation  aka "yarn bomb" that will beautify our outside fence!


3/2 -- Read Across America Day

Here are some photos from the week...

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Week 24

It was a short, but busy week in Room 112!

Tuesday (2/17) was the 100th day of does time fly! We celebrated by creating 100 year old portraits. By the looks of it, the first graders will age well :)

In honor of Presidents day and Abe Lincoln's birthday last week, we added our 16th president to our biography journals. The first graders are continuing to make great connections with all of the important people we have learned about!

Also, please make sure your first grader is eating a big breakfast! We have a morning recess/snack time everyday and if they want a morning snack, please make sure to send one as our office supply is running low and there are a lot of frequent visitors from Room 112. Snack donations for our classroom would also be gladly accepted (ex. granola bars, pretzels, fruit bars, etc.).

2/23 - 2/24 -- Ms. Soulas @ workshop
2/26 -- Art Literacy @ 8:30 -9:45 *WE NEED VOLUNTEERS!

Here are some photos from the week...

Monday, February 15, 2016

Week 23

Here are some highlights from the week...

We took advantage of the dry weather at the beginning of the week and had an afternoon recess with our 4th grade buddies! Both me and Mr. Graham are beyond impressed by how well they all work and play together!

This week we learned about Ruby Bridges and added her to our biography journal! They loved learning about such an important first grader :)

In math, we started our work with fact families (3 numbers that can make 2 addition and 2 subtraction number sentences). First, we made color fact families (red + blue = purple, blue + red = purple, purple - blue = red, purple - red = blue) and then we used different number fact families to insert into the number sentences. Using color and number fact families provide a great visual representation and and artistic element to this important math concept. Practicing and identifying these fact families will help build the connection between addition and subtraction and help support fact fluency!

On Friday we had our Valentine exchange! It was a pretty sweet way to end the week ;)

2/15 -- No School - Presidents' Day
2/16 -- 100th day of School!
2/17 -- Late Arrival @ 10am - Crazy Hair Day
2/26 -- Art Literacy @ 8:30am
**Julie Plato is amazing and has volunteered to lead the Room 112 Art Literacy; however, with the fun and involved art projects, the more volunteers the better. If you are available Friday (2/26) from 8:30 -9:45 to help out with Art Literacy, please let me know!

Here are some photos from the week...

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Week 22

Room 112 is full of lots of learners! The valentine exchange will be happening on Friday, February 12th. A list went home with the names of students in our class and staff at the school. We have a new friend that joined us this week whose name is not on the list... so if you are making cards for the class please make sure to add Denika to the list!

The published How-To's are posted in the hallway, so if you are interested in learning "how-to get ready for bed,"  "how to make a cat purr" and many other things, stop by and check them out! This week we also started our new letter writing unit. The students have been writing letters all year, but our letter writing unit will focus on the structure and organization of a well crafted letter.

We added Helen Keller to our biography journals this week. The first graders were eager to learn more about her and her perseverance!

Finally, thank you to all of the parents who helped make the Stephenson Auction such a success! A HUGE shout out to Joanna (Elise's mom) and Shannon (Reid C's mom) for sharing their amazing artistic ability and creativity with Room 112, and to Jen (Sasha's mom) for being an incredible MC :)

I can't explain how much I appreciate your constant support and the Auction was a true reminder of the amazing community we have at Stephenson. What a fun night!


2/11 -- Connect to Kindergarten @ 6:30 pm
2/12 -- Valentines exchange @ 10 - 11 am 

Here are some photos from the week...